






1. CEO Greetings


Thanks for your contacting with us

Our company was established at 15 th September 2010.

I only started with small amount finace.


I have only talent of language about english, japanese and chinese.

i have no experiance in world trade.

So started with C2C business, online shopping as like ebay.com , open market.


and change business style with B2B on base of alibaba.com.

That site gave me chance to world trade business.


Fortunetley i have chance to deal with korean cosmetic products.

More and more that business is growing up.


We are more and more growing up.

With passion for world trade.


Thanks with deep hearts.


Seungwan Kim

 General manager of

Urim & thummim International Trade Company



2. CEO  Profile ; Mr. Seung-wan Kim

 - President of Urim & Thummim International Trade company

 - Representive main tutor of Top of Top mathematical institute.

 - The financial counselor  of Korea Life Insurance.

 - Internship at Agriculture, forest and Marine Standing Committee of National Assembly

 - Staff of Kim & Chang lawfirm ( patent part)

 - Graduate Food sceince and Technology in Korea University at Anam-Dong


