


Total Dental System - Oral Scanner, CAD System, 3D Printer, Milling Machine




One scan allows deep and wide depth of tooth just by using intraoral scanner.


Accurate Scans.

Intraoral Scan can make accurate scans with fewer passes,

stitching the scans together into an realistic image.


Deeper, Wider, and immediate.

Without impression distortion, our intraoral scanner is able to scan

various cases easily with 14x21mm field of view and 12mm depth of focus at once.




CAD/CAM software and milling can be designed at the same time.


Everyone, easy, convenient.

Unlike CAD/CAM Software from other companies, anyone can

easily and conveniently use DDS CAD/CAM software for design restoration.


Designing and milling at a time.”

Integrated CAD/CAM Software can design and

control milling all at one time.



Milling machine makes quick and efficient treatment possible with its six axis.


Faster and more effective.

Treatment can be completed within one hour.

To minimize microcracks, two spindles mill the restoration using a grinding method.

The fast milling time will bring satisfaction to operators and patients alike,

increasing the competitiveness of your clinic.



3D printer fabricates temporary crown with one single click.


By one click

A temporary crown can be printed by using a compact 3D printer

with a single click.It is easy to modify the data and

print an accurate temporary crown.

Output full arch within 20 minutes


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